
Sunday, December 17, 2017

How Should We Spend Our Time?

That sure was a fun ride! I am very glad I had the opportunity to cut social media out of my life this past week. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. 
One thing I noticed is that I have been in a more positive and productive mood. Those of you who have followed my posts from the beginning have seen a lot of what I've accomplished and the adventures I've had (this blog being an adventure itself). The biggest achievement of this week would be that I was able to carve for myself an identity exclusive of my social media accounts. We as a society put too much effort into making our Instagram accounts "perfect."
Time is an important aspect of our lives. Without time, we could not exist. We desire more of it, but we waste so much on social media. Since I started this challenge, I noticed I wasted less time on meaningless activities. The bulk of my time was spent with friends and family, and I completed several important tasks. 
I got the chance to catch up on my reading. Books take us on adventures we could never encounter in this world. They help us escape and put our minds at peace. If all our time was wasted on social media, we would never experience the magic of reading a novel.

In a previous post, I listed five replacements to social media. I'm going to provide five more because I can. :)
1. Clean/organize. When you have an extra ten or fifteen minutes, you can spend your time tidying up your desk or reorganizing your sock drawer. 
2. Play with a pet. This is a great way to relieve stress. Plus, it's good for your pet (chances are he'll sleep better, too!).
3. Start a journal. As someone who loves to write, a journal (or any piece of paper) is a staple in my life. You don't have to carry around a notebook everywhere you go, but it's nice to put your thoughts on paper, even if it's just on a napkin. 
4. Watch a sunset/sunrise. Or any part of creation, for that matter. As cliche as this may sound, nature is beautiful. We as humans are amazed by nature and science. Sunsets and sunrises exist for our enjoyment.
5. Exercise or play a sport. I personally do not do much of this, but I probably should. A lot of my friends like playing sports and jogging laps at a gym. 
Can you think of other ways to spend your time that don't revolve around your screen? Comment below! :):)


  1. You can live without social media or you can add add make money from instagram.

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