
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day Three: Positives and Negatives

Since I gave up social media, I have encountered several positives and negatives. There are good and bad aspects in everything, such as eating Chinese food. I love the taste in the moment, but afterwards, I often get a stomach ache. Another example could be having a dog. Whether there are more positives or negatives is debatable. I find them to be fun to have around but time-consuming and expensive to take care of. 
Here is a list of five POSITIVES about giving up social media.
1. Time. This is a big one. As previously mentioned, instead of holding my phone all the time, I'm busy doing things, such as helping my family decorate for Christmas or working on homework. I find myself planning more things to do in the afternoon rather than just telling myself that I'll be on Pinterest until I go to bed. 
2. More time with family. This could be considered a sub-group of time. Instead of hiding in my room all day scrolling through Pinterest, I've been hanging out in the living room socializing. I have, believe it or not, enjoyed being with my family. I know I've mentioned this one in previous posts, but it is probably the most important thing I've accomplished through this challenge so far.
3. Focus. When I'm going about my everyday activities, I find myself getting distracted by (yep, you guessed it) Pinterest. This week, I've been thinking more about the tasks at hand rather than dreaming about that perfect house or the most beautiful wedding I've planned on Pinterest. 
4. Deeper connection with those around me. Instead of spending "down time" on social media, I have been making conversation with the person sitting next to me. I have gotten to know the people I see every day on a deeper level than just a simple, "Hi, how are you?" "I'm good, and you?"
5. Thinking for myself. Rather than forming my opinions about an event, group of people, or individual based on the way others view them on social media, I have been able to manufacture my own thoughts. Though it might not be what everyone else is doing, it is freeing to have the chance to think for myself.

Now I'm going to give you four NEGATIVES.
1. No easily accessible communication. While I have been able to communicate with those who are face-to-face with me much better than before, it has been much more difficult to contact and make plans with people I don't see very often.
2. Out of the loop. When everyone else is talking about that awesome picture Sally posted on Instagram, I feel very uninformed. Those around me are shocked I haven't yet seen it.
3. No Pinterest recipes. If you haven't already figured this out, Pinterest is my favorite. Without it, cooking and baking is more difficult. I don't have access to every recipe known to mankind at the touch of a finger. Instead, I have to use either my memory or a cookbook.
4. Strong temptation. Though I am mostly enjoying this endeavor, I am still finding it difficult not to open Pinterest on my computer or sneak a peak on Facebook or Instagram.

What are some positives and negatives you encounter from social media? Leave a comment to let me know your thoughts.


  1. Positive, get to see what my friends are up to, and enjoy their activities. The negatives are I sometimes don't pay attention to what is going on around me.

  2. Positives: I am in the loop. Negatives: I am in the loop. Love ya Sarah! Keep it going!

  3. You made some very good points for both pros and cons of social media.

  4. I really hate when we go out and the phones come out if there is any wait time. That may be waiting for dinner to arrive or merely standing in line for the check out. That time could be used to catch up on the day and instead we need to be entertained with our faces in the phone. It's a HUGE negative for me. However, the positive for me is the immediate access to information. Lets say I can't remember what time the boys' game starts tonight or just yesterday I wanted to know what time Christmas Eve services were. I just grabbed my phone and instantly had the information. In our house when someone ask an off the wall question (ie... who won the 2015 World Series... like we don't know that answer!! :) someone will say "if only there was a device you could look that up on!" Someone grabs the phone OR asks Alexa and we instantly have the answer. That might make our brains a little mushy to not do the research, but I still like the instant answer! :)

    1. Yes, those are good thoughts. I completely agree!
