
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Day Seven: Adventure

I can hardly believe this is my final day without social media. It sure has been an adventure! Today has been full of excitement with a lot of family in town. When we all get together, our time is more enjoyable without social media being at the center of conversation. I wasn't distracted by Instagram or Snapchat notifications and was able to simply appreciate their company.
The funny thing about life is that an adventure can happen without going anywhere. Celebrating my cousin's graduation today can be considered an adventure. Cleaning your house can be an adventure, as well as shopping for a Christmas present or even simply picking up a book. 
We as humans always dream about going on adventures to far away places, but we miss the adventures we encounter every day.
Disney Pixar's movie Up is a great example of adventure. Ellie always wanted to go to Paradise Falls, but she was never able to. However, she never felt adventure-deprived. She wrote as a final note to her husband, "Thanks for the adventure-now go have a new one!" 
I am going to provide a list of five adventures I've had this week.
1. Baking cookies. I made a double batch to bring to my friends. Baking is always an adventure because you have to be prepared for the unexpected. You could forget to set the timer and the cookies could burn, or you could add a cup of salt instead of sugar. (No, I didn't do this, but I know people who have. We bakers must be careful.)
2. Math class. Oh, my math class is always an adventure, especially as we prepare for finals next week. As we review, we've run into many problems we have been unable to solve as a group, but we manage to figure them out in the end. 
3. Cotillion meeting. As I mentioned in a previous post, I had the honor of attending an event to be recognized for achievement with many other young people in the community. This was definitely an adventure as I got to meet new people and enjoy their company.
4. My family. All week, my family has been going on an adventure together. I would like to call this adventure life. Whatever happens, through all the ups and downs, the good days and the bad, we are in it together. I am so grateful to be able to say that my family members are my adventure companions, especially as many extended family members have been in town.
5. Giving up social media. Boy, has this been an adventure. I am very glad I went through this adventure, and I appreciate all the support from friends and family. I believe this adventure has truly brought be closer to them and given me a deeper appreciation of life.
These five things (especially the last one) would not have been as exciting with social media. I was able to enjoy the moments for what they were rather than worrying about what to post on my Snapchat story. Life is beautiful, and social media can distract from that beauty.
What are some adventures you've had? Share your thoughts below. :)


  1. My adventures have included 2 amazing New G Christmas concerts for my youngest daughter, a full day of shopping and talking with my oldest daughter (home from college). Also, laundry...lots of laundry.

  2. Thanks for sharing very useful article.
